How was the Francois Vase used, and by whom?

How was the Francois Vase used, and by whom?

Function and meaning

Kraters were used for missaggio wine with scodella at verso symposium (per drinking rinfresco for upper class men). Since ancient Greeks only drank wine diluted with ciotola, kraters were crucial onesto the symposium, and were set up durante the middle of the room where partygoers drank. The interior of the Francois Vase has scratches which may have been made by per utensil mixing the wine, but it is unclear whether the vase was used at symposia mediante Greece, sopra Etruria (Italy), or con both places. It may have been used at lavish parties durante Athens, or mediante per funerary banquet honoring the deceased sopra Etruria before it was buried as a pesante offering.

Wealthy, educated individuals attending banquets sopra either place would have recognized the scenes shown on the vase, and might have used them as dialogue starters. Other vessels used at login iraniansinglesconnection symposia sopra the Archaic period were also commonly painted with mythological scenes and could have served per similar purpose, but the sheer number of scenes on the Francois Vase may have made it particularly intriguing onesto the banqueters who used it. They may have even understood the images onesto be relevant puro their own lives. While the pictures had different meanings for different viewers, the scenes of drinking on the Francois Vase mirror the circumstances in which it was actually used. Moreover, many of the scenes on the vessel represent ideal aristocratic activities that the drinkers likely participated per, including noble marriage, successful hunts, and military promesse.

Most Greek men spent some of their lives serving their cities at war, defeating enemies much like the heroes painted on this vase. Like Peleus, Greek men were expected sicuro marry and raise their children onesto be productive citizens. It seems that Kleitias and Ergotimos purposefully designed the decoration puro appeal preciso the prosperous owners of the vase, who could recognize and relate to the stories it told.


On September 9, 1900 per museum guard, mediante per fit of rage, threw per chair at the case containing the Francois Vase, shattering it into 638 pieces. The museum director, Luigi Milani asked Pietro Zei puro undertake the conservation of the Francois Vase. Conservation took two years.

Jasper Gaunt, Ergotimos Epoiesen: The Potter’s Contribution onesto the Francois Vase,” mediante The Francois Vase: New Perspectives, e. H. Alan Shapiro, Mario Iozzo, and Adrienne Lezzi-Hafter (Zurich: Akanthus, 2013), p. 81

Mario Iozzo, “The Francois Vase: Libretto on Technical Aspects and Functions,” in The Francois Vase: New Perspectives, ed. H. Alan Shapiro, Mario Iozzo, and Adrienne Lezzi-Hafter, (Zurich: Akanthus, 2013), p. 61

Cornelia Isler-Kerenyi, “Der Francois-Krater zwischen Athen und Chiusi,” sopra Athenian Potters and Painters: The Conference Proceedings, e. John H. Oakley, William D. Addirittura. Coulson, and Olga Palagia, (Oxford: Oxbow, 1997), p. 523–539

Guy Hedreen, “Bild, Mythos, and Ritual: Choral Dance per Theseus’s Cretan Adventure on the Francois Vase,” Hesperia, vol. 80, in nessun caso. 3 (2011), p. 491–510.

Cornelia Isler-Kerenyi, “Der Francois-Krater zwischen Athen und Chiusi,” durante Athenian Potters and Painters: The Conference Proceedings, di nuovo. John H. Oakley, William D. E. Coulson, and Olga Palagia, (Oxford: Oxbow, 1997), p. 523–539.

Detail with wedding procession with Hera and her husband Zeus durante per chariot (left), Urania the muse of astronomy, and Kaliope, muse of epic poetry (center)

Per addenda puro these narrative scenes, another register at the bottom of the vase shows animals fighting. These images may relate to the ferocity of the heroes shown on the vase, who are described metaphorically as predatory animals by Homer. Verso comic scene of pygmies (per tribe of small people con Greek mythology) battling cranes decorates the foot of the vase, providing verso light counterpoint preciso the rest of the imagery. The paint on the foot is reddish per color instead of black because the vase was misfired in the kiln, as sometimes happened durante ancient Greek ceramic production.

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